Sirens, a sound that has become the city's constant companion. They’re everywhere. They howl, wail and bleat at all hours, like grievous electric coyotes. Sneaking in and out of the cities' perception, one after another after another. Their persistence cumulates, permeating our bodies with ever-increasing agony and tension. It is as though, around the clock, the city itself were wailing for its depraved and deviants. These sirens, however, possesses a peculiar quality. Instead of blaring its way through the streets, this car will emit signals of humor rather than horror. By imitating the sirens, we reverse their power relationship in a humorous way, the artist undermines its authority and renders porous its austere sound control system. These human SIRENS calls for a kind of deep listening that draws our attention to the pan-sonic soundscapes of power and surveillance, to the ways in which they suffuse our ears, bodies and minds, our societies and streets. A kind of deep listening that can be overwhelming and draining, especially in moments of crisis. But it can also prompt an expansion of curiosity and humor, which is itself a kind of balm.
Follow the exercise above to imitate a siren.
Locate a strategic point in public space such as a square,
crossroads or hidden alley.
Stand up straight. Imagine lengthening your body through
each vertebrae in your spine. Keep your chin parallel to the ground and relax your body.
Now, take a slow, deep breath in. Expand your diaphragm. Feel it enlarging and contracting.
Cup your hands around your mouth to point the sound
waves in one direction. If available, use a megaphone
or a cone shaped object.
Mimic the rising and falling sound of a police siren in an
unbroken tone of B – F.
Walk on and repeat elsewhere as needed.